与妹诗——赠娇娇邓迪思妹,你长大了黑色的衣裙多了一丝矜持你说起在我自行车后座淘气的往事你是个古怪的孩子我把时光折叠成清晨或者黄昏的颜色回忆里堆满了二十年来的雨水和氧气你三岁时的眼睛最饱满那时太行山色也最浓郁你的妈妈在桃花下梳理短发春天也更长一些现在,你有一个爱你的日耳曼丈夫混血的一儿一女这就够了,很幸福妹,我在看今晚的超级月亮妹,我有意让香烟的雾气遮挡一些月色妹,烟头上那小小的火焰让一大片黑暗变得有温度妹,我总是在黑暗中逗你发笑因为,我怕你不笑了这世界就会突然结冰英文翻译:Jiao FordThe poem to my little sister JiaoMy littlesister, you were grew up now, with that blackdress feels more reserved. You'vementioned to me some naughty memories about when you was little, sit on theback seat of my bicycle. You are a little curious child. I folded my time into the morning or duskcolour and filled with rain and oxygen for twenty years. It was dark and the most full of your eyeswhen you was three, and at that time the Taihang Mountains also got the most ofrich colour. Your mother wascombed her hair under the peach tree, spring is also longer, and there is no winter.Today, you havetwo lovely children, one boy and onegirl, also have yourbritish husband who loves you so much, this is enough,nothing is happier than that. My littlesister, I am looking at super moon tonight,my littlesister, I intended that smoke of the cigarette blocking somemoonlight. A little flameof the cigarette butt can brings warmth to the vast expanse of darkness. My little sister, I always make you laugh in the dark,because I'mafraid if you don't laugh, the world willsuddenly freeze.2016/11/26 17:36:25