• 你若安好,便是晴天


    In this world there are many serendipities really hard to tell, the tales of meeting and parting happen every day in this mundane world.

    Floating in the rolling ocean of crowd, we often rub shoulders with strangers, some or other may come into your sight and take your breath away, but never will he know your existence, or perhaps you drop into other people's sights, yet never will you know his existence.

    Years later, by chance meet again, should it be your first encounter or reencounter?


    Between times, standing in the crowds, there will always be an inexplicable sensation wells up within me, life is not easy for human beings, we should feel warm for these living creatures, and feel happy for the smoke and fire of this mundane life.

    Maybe one day we all will leave, and will never meet again, in this case, how can we cause deep pain to others for some tiny mistakes?

    How can we drown our sorrows for the past which we cannot go back?


    Encounter a person it only takes a moment, yet fall for a person it will always be a lifetime.

    It isn't a fault that meet by chance and then turn around, it isn't perfect that being in love with someone till the end of time, in the predestined relationship, there is really no other way for us.

    Most of time I suppose to be a lady who is pure and kind, gentle and humble, live contently, do not crave too much love, nor have too much hatred, whether rich or poor, happy or sad, they are all alike to me.【Only Time-Enya】
    2016/1/12 10:28:41


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