• 呼唤记忆

    昨天问婷现在她学的英语是不是可以流利的用英语与人交流吧?她说:可以的。我好羡慕,(婷·年轻 活力 上进 漂亮的女孩,外企上班).于是便想起我们那时学过的到当时背的滚瓜烂熟的课文。脑子使劲的搜索了一大圈,想出几篇出来。左念又思的,也就记得几句开头了。

    比如long long ago there was a 什么什么的,或者,one day ,a little monkey was playing in a tall tree by the river 干嘛干嘛的....

    再一细想,真的记不起来了,细节,词组 ,介词 运用,真的都混肴了,顺也顺不出几句。于是特别想念过去,还念读书时代,怀念那时咬文嚼字的读着自己喜欢的文字。突然好沮丧啊,老了思维慢了,记忆不行了,说东忘西的是正常了。

    抱着侥幸的心理到网上搜搜,果然搜到一个long long ago there was a king,我以为是国王叫画家画马的那篇,再点开一看,不是的,又看到一篇阅读理解叫long long ago there was a very foolish thief.....

    是掩耳盗铃的故事,这是以前没有学过没有看过的。最后终于搜到一篇Why The Bat Come Out Only At Night,大概是初二是一篇老师要求全文背诵的课文。84版的初中英语教材大概用了有十多年,我记得我们就是第一届用的。还有记得的朋友吗?

    Why the Bat Come Out Only At Night

    Long long ago, there was a war between the birds and the beasts. No one knows what they fought about.

    The bat did not know whose side he should take. He thought and thought, then decided he must try to be on the side of the winners.

    So he watched from far away. After a while, it seemed that the birds were going to win.He flew over to join them.

    "What on earth are you doing here?" a bird shouted at him.

    "Can't you see I'm a bird?" the bat said with a smile. "Look , I have wings,just like you."

    Come along,then,"said the bird."Don't hide behind others."

    But things changed soon. Now it seemed that the beasts were winning. So the bat left the birds in a hurry and went over to the beasts.

    "What are you doing on our side?" an animal called out to him. "Are you spying on us?"

    "Don't you know I'm one of you?" asked the bat, showing his teeth."Look. Can't you see I've got teeth ,too?"

    "Who are you trying to fool?" said the animals. "We saw you fighting on the side of the birds just now."

    So the beasts drove him off. Of course the birds refused to take him back.

    When the beasts and the birds saw neither side could win, they decided to stop fighting.

    Neither beasts nor birds would have the bat as their friend,so he was afraid to leave his home. Ever since then, the bat comes out only at night.
    2016/12/11 17:03:04


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