• Aspecialday

    Haven,t write a journal for a long time today I have something to say.

    I have just made a new friend .Now she is in America ,she went there to get higher education what a good opportunity!

    The moment I knew she is in a foreign country I decide to communicate with her ,in this way I may improve my English.Anyway I am major in English in college,so it is necessary.

    Although I just talked with her for a while,I can see that she is good at English after all, she is in a country where all the people are speak english.

    We communicate with each other in English all along,although it,s a little difficult for me to use cellphone type letters.

    she can also point out my mistake.This is my first time using English in daily life,I appreciate that she gave me the chance.

    The most interesting is that when I asked why didn,t you go to school now she said it is midnight.Immediately,I recognized that she is in the USA not China.

    Today I,m in a good mood,because of her.This is a special day.
    2009/9/8 13:23:04


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