• 〓★〓英汉文留言评论〓★〓

    there is the memory , cherish this friendship

    默垨這份记忆 珍借這份友情

    busy is not forget ,

    bless often leave the bottom of my heart

    忙碌不是忘记 祝福常留心底

    please love memory of beautiful miss is in the heart

    铭记相遇之美 牵念永远在心

    evn if ends of the earth blessing forever

    纵然海角天涯 唯有祝福永恒

    lock and value your

    锁住珍贵缘分 珍藏①生情谊

    without regret meet ,by the life

    无悔的相遇 一生祝福相伴

    thank you looking back at my world

    回眸我的世界 感谢一路有你

    friendship is a fly ,

    lucky and it is fly together


    lattice with inspiration ,fateband friendship

    茫茫网海有灵犀 缘分天空结友谊

    a friendship ,a caring forever in the heart

    一份友情 一份惦念 永遠銘記在心里

    always keep your space hand network, a smile ,happy

    牵手于网络 微笑于空间 让快乐永驻

    tip of finger slipped ,

    buried the bottom of my hearet for you a blessing

    指尖滑落的瞬間 為妳冩下心底的祝諨

    cherish a beautiful meet ,

    cherish life remains thesame affection

    珍惜一份美丽遇见 珍藏一生不变情谊

    friendship ,let's go ,

    let;ssincerely bless all the way

    友情让我们一路相伴 真诚让我们一路祝福

    my blessing, like a sunrise and sunset


    tinaya,cared about in the blessing


    in my bookmarks, will always be your name


    watch the heart good, watch once memories


    continue to visit,

    just to don't give up the attachment


    friendship hidden in the heart,

    blessing will never change

    友情珍藏心里 祝福永恒不变

    the charm of sentimentally attached to the space

    feel the warth of friendship

    眷念空间的魅力 感受友情的温暖

    heart space, the blessing changeless,

    beautiful meet,cherish forever

    心系空间 祝福不变 美丽相遇 永远珍惜

    friendship speechless,treasure in the heart,

    love in zhichemg,appropriate in eternity

    友谊无语, 珍藏心中, 情在至诚 ,谊在永恒

    people at the end of the wold,the heart is in feet,

    don't need to remind of,because never forget


    happy near year


    double festival happiness


    new year's day hapiness


    merry christmas


    happy valentines's day


    happy women's day


    happy mother's day


    happy dragon boat festival


    happy may day


    happy mid autumn festival


    happy nation day


    cherish you ,in my heart

    珍 惜 有 你 念 在 心 里

    beautiful meet ,cherish forever

    美 丽 相 遇 永 远 珍 惜

    dependent ,attentively treasure

    相 依 相 约 用 心 珍 藏

    caring heart , follow you

    牵 挂 之 心 如 影 随 形

    words a lot ,i wish you well

    心 语 万 千 念 你 安 好

    don't forget your word i came

    别忘了, 你的世界我来过

    happiness is half ,happiness forever

    快樂常相伴 幸福永相随

    friendship ,such as song ,precious

    友 情 如 歌 弥 足 珍 贵

    department of space , a generation of words

    情系空间, 一语代千言!

    the meeting is very beautiful ,because have you

    相 遇 很 美 只 因 有 你

    the word of mortals have you ,happiness always

    红 尘 有 你 幸 福 相 伴

    friendship in mind ,always never forget

    友情记在心里 一直不曾忘记

    your word forever ,i have the same wish

    你的世界里永远 有我不变的祝福

    you are in my heart ,forever is the most beautiful

    你在我心里 永远是最美

    extremely precious fate ,love always priceless

    缘分万分真贵 情意永远无价

    sincere poetic flavor ,

    long friendship flower fragrance far

    真诚如诗韵味长 友情如花芬芳远.

    although every thousand miles,

    the heart togrther forever

    虽远隔千万里 心永远在一起

    sincerely with locks in friendship

    friendship forever in the blessing

    用真诚锁住友情 让友谊在祝福中永恒

    there is a kind of happer is called meet ,

    there is a bad name is cherish

    有一种幸福叫遇见 有一种情怀叫珍惜

    taste friendship long time ,

    everything is beautiful only because of you

    悠悠岁月品味友情 一切很美只因为你

    cherish a beautiful meet ,cherish a friendship

    珍惜一份美丽的相遇 珍藏一种难得的友情

    a hidden friendship in my heart v,

    a margin of word cherish forever

    一份情谊藏心里 一个缘字永珍惜

    setting a clove of sweet heart ,

    light dance friendship ,read you

    凝一瓣心香 轻舞友情 念你安然

    let the years memory ,

    with the fragrance of friendship

    让岁月的记忆 写满友情的芬芳

    million treasure forever ,blessing ,as usual

    情谊永久珍藏 祝福一如既往

    let the peo9ple become the most cherish memory of life

    让相識 成为生命中 最珍貴滴記憶

    beautiful from you and i met yesterday
    昨日の美丽 ,来自你我的相遇 ,
    happy today,that is the sincere friendship
    今日の欢愉 ,那是真诚的情谊 ,
    tomorrow, i still remember you
    明日の明日 ,我依然把你记起 .
    墨香 // 编辑



    2014/10/8 21:06:38


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